The latest Edelman Trust Barometer provides the usual mix of
insights and commentary on public trust. The headline to me was that the
relationship people have with their employer is now the one they value most. In
the words of Richard Edelman in Davos, “the employer is the most trusted
institution in the world.”
This is interesting. At this point in history, we feel our
employers are the institutions closest to us. We place our trust in them and
expect them to honour that trust, now more than ever. As Richard Edelman
expounds, we believe we can influence our employer (he cites the Google
walk-out in November last year as an example), we want our employer to play an
active role in the local community and we expect our CEO to be a shining light,
taking action on social issues without waiting for government.
The crystallisation of the CEO’s role as an ‘activist’, for
want of a better term, is an interesting insight that I’m sure will command more
exploration and analysis. However, I was disappointed in some of the other conclusions
drawn from the research. In particular, the four-part model developed to sum up
steps to success: “the new employer-employee contract”, as Edelman have termed
The first part talks about the importance of purpose, “a big
idea” as Richard Edelman termed it at Davos. In other words, employees believe an
organisation should do more than seek profit. That’s hardly news, is it?
Similarly, the second element of the model focuses on ‘Empowering
Employees’: this has been central to the concept of employee engagement, and at
the heart of high-engagement cultures, for many years. Surely the idea that
employees need to be informed and should be your “first order of business” is simply
common sense.
The third element suggests employers must ‘Start locally’ by
contributing the communities in which they are based. The words may be
different, the concept is not new.
Finally, the model’s requirement for ‘CEO Leadership’ breaks
little new ground, emphasising as it does that CEOs must be exemplars of an
organisation’s values and engage directly with people, on a personal level,
both within and beyond the organisation. There is some new context associated
with this, given the point around activism and social focus outlined above, but
the basic guidance is not a revelation.
Overall, then, I couldn’t help feeling a tad underwhelmed,
as I often am with new models. On this occasion, too, I am reminded of previous
(and rather ephemeral) attempts to establish an intangible ‘contract’ between
employers and their people.
The research crystallises the context in which organisations
are now operating and reinforces the responsibility that employers have. However,
many of the solutions proposed, in my view, re-tread familiar ground. Much of
the advice already exists in different forms and enlightened employers are already
working with it.