Thursday, 20 April 2023

The power of trojan horse questions

Unable to  leave my desk to attend Attune 23 this week, as I had planned, I sated my  thirst for knowledge by revisiting some of the presentations in FirstUp’s on-demand library (which is worth checking out if you haven’t already done so). One of these was from the author Jon Acuff, who introduced an interesting concept during his talk: ‘trojan horse questions’.

His keynote tackled a much broader topic; this was simply a concept he referenced along the way. However, it really resonated with me. He positioned ‘trojan horse’ questions as phrases that are clear, simple and don’t seem that challenging, but which should make us think much more deeply than the words themselves suggest. I won’t spoil the context, for anyone who has yet to watch Jon’s speech, but one example was “Is it true?” – the idea being that we need to challenge whether what we are telling ourselves about a situation, and which guides our actions, is really valid.

The best question I have ever been asked was ‘What is your ideal day?’. This simple but deceptively powerful question had a profound impact on me as I considered whether to start Sweet Comms, nearly 10 years ago. I now recognise it as a ‘trojan horse’ question, because on the surface it’s fairly innocuous. It could spark a bland or throwaway response in the course of conversation. Yet, in the circumstances, it prompted me to do a lot of soul searching and steered me on to the path I took then, and for which I am still grateful on a daily basis, even now.

I can only share my own experience, but engaging with that simple question, really engaging with it, was incredibly effective. I’ve posed the same question to others in similar situations and I know they have found it useful. Maybe more engagement with ‘trojan horse’ questions could help us all.